Thursday, March 31, 2011

Rainy Days

Here in the good old sunshine state it is pouring down rain. I happen to love rainy days. I believe my love for rain comes from being the daughter of a sod farmer. Without rain grass doesn't grow and your father is up all hours of the day and night turning on and off water guns. The Lord has blessed my family and I with more than we deserve at times and He continues to provide in little ways, like rain! Yes, I am sitting here with the darkness all around and lightning and thunder, but in the midst of it all I see and feel the presence of God so close and near. Sometimes I feel as if my life is a big thunderstorm, full of darkness and rain, but I know in the midst of the storm there is One who is still seated on His throne making a way out of it. If you feel like you are in a thunderstorm in your life right now I want you to know that there is light in the midst of it all. There is a God who loves you and cares for your every need. He wants to have a relationship with you and wants to be your friend, so while you feel your in a storm He will be your Comforter. Be Blessed today wherever you are and in whatever kind of weather you are in.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Live for Today

Sometimes life can be overwhelming. We have those days when the world seems to be crashing down on us and we don't know which way to go. We know that God is our provider and that He has been Faithful all our days, but we so often still "want to know". What is it we want to know? For me, I want to know all the unknown. I am a planner and a person who needs to know what is next. Over the past year the Lord has had me on this day to day plan. Hard? Yes! I still haven't got the idea that I am only to live for today. As I write this there are things going through my head about what I need to do this weekend and next Wednesday. When will I ever learn? Praise God for patience and mercy. I am sure other people struggle with this, am I the only one? I am not dismissing the idea that we need to be smart and plan ahead for certain things, but we do not need to be consumed with the thought of "what does tomorrow hold". We are not to know that. I am going to over the next several weeks do my best to live for the day. I want to soak up all God has for me in this moment and in this season. I am going to make myself "be still and know He is God." Psalm 46:10 To often I look back and say "man, i wish i hadn't missed that", so for the next couple of weeks I am going to rest in the moment and listen for the Lord. I will leave you all with this quote I came across and I am not sure who said it, but it wasn't me.
"Severe pressure plus time, turns coal into diamonds."
Lord give me a peace about living for the day and not worrying about tomorrow. I don't want to be anxious about anything, but in everything I present my requests before you and I think you for giving me a peace and guarding my heart and mind. In Jesus' Name, Amen

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Just Starting Out...

If you are following my blog my hope and prayer is that is will be an inspiration for everyone. I plan on being real and honest. I hope that it is an encouragement to all of you and that you can see God glorified through it. Postings might be sporadic in the beginning until I get used to everything ( I can be one of those technology illiterate people at times). My relationship with Christ is the most important thing in my life and I plan on sharing what He is doing in my life with you. So far in this life I have learned one thing that is certain....God is FAITHFUL. Sometimes holding on is hard and enduring through the tough times is tiring, but in the end when God shows up in His perfect timing, oh the joys it brings.I cannot wait to meet new people and I hope everyone has a blessed day!